he was more beautiful than i anticipated.
a cellphone camera’s focal length isn’t the same as the human eye. i had pored over exactly five known photographs of him, obsessed, and although the being was indeed attractive, the one that appeared in person was exceedingly so.
i felt my heart sink(?) when he rolled up next to my truck and hopped in the passenger seat. i thought, oh no he’s so beautiful with his dainty nosering and cologne and cropped hair bronzed by the sun. i tried hard to keep my eyes on the road as i brought us over the old covered bridge north of here, along old dirt roads and back to a roadside eatery where we purchased overpriced boylan sodas and toasted in the parking lot. heavy rain batted at the window as we drove back to the wren’s nest.
i mentally paused at the front door with a tiny prayer in the exhale, and let him inside. vesper of course was happy to meet a new friend, and i spent some time playing show-and-tell: old books, the coal stove, eastlake parlor chairs, railroad lanterns, furs. we kissed in my bedroom for the first time, and within the hour were naked in bed.
we moved as slow as he felt comfortable to, and i was more than content to kiss and fondle. we went a little further and a little further, and as he grew confident, he became more bold. we fucked for probably a half hour, gloriously. his girth was neither painful nor overwhelming, and i found myself gasping in glee.
this is a holy place, here, beneath a beautiful man. the scent of sex and cologne and oriental lilies and rainsoaked air permeated my bedroom. breathless, he finally peaked and bottomed out with a shudder. i clutched at his forearms and panted, high off the potent cocktail of arousal and satiation. we showered together and reluctantly put our clothes back on amid a flurry of kisses.
by 9 o’clock we were forced to say goodnight and part ways (for now). i watched him leave, and held a blót. spent seed slid down my inner thigh and i wore nothing but the antler crown before my little altar. these prayers were most potent, and i fell asleep beside the full moon.